


The Signing of the MoU on Cooperation in the Health Field in February 2023 is set to enhance Cooperation Between Zimbabwe and Iran in the Medical Sector

The Signing of the MoU on Cooperation in the Health Field in February 2023 is set to enhance Cooperation Between Zimbabwe and Iran in the Medical Sector

Health Ministers agree to jointly pursue projects under the Health Sector after the signing of the MoU on Cooperation in the Medical Field on 25 February 2023

8 Jan 2024
The Signing of the MoU on Cooperation in the Health Field in February 2023 is set to enhance Cooperation Between Zimbabwe and Iran in the Medical Sector

The Vice President and Minister of Mealth and Child Care was in Iran on 25 February 2023, to engage his counterpart Minister of Health and Medical Education of Iran which is expected to boost cooperation in the medical field between Zimbabwe and Iran. During the visit, the MoU on Cooperation in the Medical Field was signed by the two Ministers. The MoU will unlock projects for cooperation in various subsectors of health such as trade in pharmaceutical and medical equipment, cooperation in Public Health Management Systems, and Training of Medical personnel between the two countries. 

Private Sector companies were also encouraged to take advantage of the MoU and trade in pharmaceuatical and medical equipement.